Never apply health-related recommendations without consulting your doctor.

What is Good for Shoulder Pain?

What is Good for Shoulder Pain?

The shoulders are the joints where the bones of the upper arm, shoulder blades, and collarbones meet. The upper arm bones sit in round sockets inside the shoulder blades on both sides of the body. Both shoulders are held in place by four groups of muscles and tendons, which protect the upper arm muscles and allow you to lift and move your arms.

Pain in the shoulder can have many causes. You can injure him from a fall or accident, or from doing too many activities like painting. Sometimes shoulder pain is caused by other conditions, such as arthritis. You may even have pain radiating from problems in other parts of your body.

Symptoms of Shoulder Injury

To decide if you have a shoulder injury, ask yourself these questions:

Are you able to move your arm normally or is your shoulder too stiff and painful?
Do you feel like your shoulder is going to dislocate?
Is your shoulder strong enough for the things you normally do?
Some shoulder injuries can be treated at home with a few days of rest and ice. If necessary, you can secure it in place using a bandage and keep it above heart level. However, some injuries require professional help. Here are the signs and symptoms that should prompt you to see a doctor:

Shoulder joint appears deformed
You can’t use your shoulder at all
The pain is very intense
Shoulder is suddenly swollen
Your arm or hand feels weak or numb
Solutions to Relieve Shoulder Pain at Home

Shoulder pain is often accompanied by signs of inflammation such as redness and swelling. Below are some suggestions for relieving this pain and taking care of yourself.

What is Good for Shoulder Pain?

Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Over-the-counter medications include aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. Reducing inflammation is especially important in rotator cuff injuries, tendonitis, arthritis and other shoulder injuries.

Cold Compress

Cold compress can reduce swelling in the shoulder. Cooling helps reduce sharp pains. You can put an ice pack up to 5 times a day for up to 20 minutes. Solutions such as frozen ice gels or ice cubes in a plastic bag are also suitable. Wrap the cold object in a towel and do not put it directly on the skin.


Wrap your shoulder with an elastic medical bandage to prevent swelling and pain. You can also use a cold compress bandage. You can also buy a shoulder bandage at the pharmacy. A little tight, but not too tight. You should not block the blood flow. If you get tingling or numbness in your arm or hand, or it turns blue, loosen it up a bit.

Heat Therapy

The heat relaxes the muscles and relieves the tight shoulder. It can be good for muscle and arthritis pain. You can use a hot water bag or heating pads.

Muscle relaxants

Muscle relaxants may be helpful if the pain is caused by muscle tension or spasm. You may need a prescription from your doctor for this.

Muscle relaxants can mash, so if you’re going to drive, it’s better not to take them.


Medications such as acetaminophen or aspirin can relieve pain. This way, you may be able to cope with the injury and sleep better while you recover.

Pain medications can cause side effects such as stomach upset and burning. Talk to your doctor if you have been taking it for more than four weeks.

You can also take a look at gels and creams applied to the skin, and their side effects are not as common as oral medications.

Rest and Activity Organizing

Stop or change the activity that causes shoulder pain. It is important to move the shoulder gently. So you can keep the shoulder muscles strong and flexible.

Shoulder Exercises and Stretches

Regular exercise and stretching can keep the shoulder strong and flexible. Here are some points to consider before starting the exercises:

If there is more shoulder pain, stop the exercise. You may be trying too early.
Pay attention to your form. Improper exercise can cause or worsen shoulder problems.
Warm up even before deep stretches. Gentle shoulder rolls, gentle movements, or a warm shower are ways to warm up the muscles before exercising.
Pendulum Stretch for Mobility

Stand and bend at the waist.
Let your crippled arm hang straight down.
May your neck be comfortable.
Move your arm in a circle 20 times.
Do one or more a day.
Overhead Shoulder Stretch

Sit or stand.
Interlace your fingers in front of you.
Bend your elbows and raise your arms above your head. You can also put your hands above or behind your head.
Gently squeeze your shoulder blades so that you move the elbows back.
Do 20 reps. Repeat 5-10 times a day.
When to See a Doctor

If you have a serious shoulder injury, treatment with home remedies will also be required. See your doctor if you have:

What is Good for Shoulder Pain?

Pain: Especially if there is pain that does not go away with rest and medication.
Recurring problems: If shoulder pain occurs more than once.
Stiffness: If you are unable to lift and rotate your arm normally.
Weakness: If your shoulder, arm or hand is weaker than the non-injured side.
Shoulder dislocated: If there is dislocation or if the shoulder seems to be dislocated.

Preventing Shoulder Pain

The first step to take is to get enough rest for the body to heal and regenerate once it has been relieved of its stressors. With a healthy, balanced diet, your body can get the nutrients it needs to function.

If you are experiencing aches and pains, try to quit smoking. Smoking affects blood circulation in the shoulders and body. This can also slow healing.

Shoulder injury can be caused by sudden and repetitive movements. It can happen while playing sports, falling, or even while reaching for something in daily activities. It can also happen if you’re raising your arm above your head or lifting something heavy without bending your elbows.

Shoulder pain may be more likely if you have poor posture.

"The content of the page is for informational purposes only. Consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment."

