Poppy Walnut Roll Cookies

Together with the children, we craved something sweet for tea, frankly, I wanted a milky dessert, but there was no milk left at home, I was too lazy to go out in this heat, we looked at our materials, I have a lot of walnuts, thanks to my mother, as every year, she gave me a lot of walnuts. He gave me the walnuts of his garden.
Poppy Walnut Roll Cookies
For the dough:
125 grams of margarine
1 egg
4 tablespoons of sugar
1 pack of vanilla
half a pack of baking powder
flour as much as it takes (will not stick to the hand)
knead a soft dough

3 tablespoons of poppy paste
1 cup walnuts
2 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of oil
We mix all the ingredients. We roll out our dough in a rectangular shape, spread our mortar on it, wrap it in a roll, wrap it with a refrigerator bag, let it rest for half an hour in the freezer, cut it 1 cm wide, sprinkle some granulated sugar on it, and bake it at 160 degrees until lightly browned.