One Month Baby Development
One Month Baby
Pregnancy is a tiring and challenging process for both mother and father, on the other hand, it is an exciting and discovery-filled process. After the end of a long journey, mom and dad start a new journey. In this new journey, they want to get information about the development and care of their babies and get rid of many of the uncertainties in their minds.
Babies are born into a life that is brand new for them after they complete the process they need to go through in the womb. While every person in the world has a new experience, they also feel the emotions such as anxiety and fear when they come into the world. They continue their development, which they started in the womb, after they are born.
How long does a 1 month old baby sleep?
Sleep is very important for baby development. A large part of newborn babies’ daily time is spent sleeping because a significant portion of their mental processes continue to be completed while they are asleep. When their sleep is divided into daytime and nighttime sleep, it is seen that most of the 1-month-old babies sleep more at night, but this does not mean that their daytime sleep is less. While daytime sleeps are approximately 9 hours, nighttime sleep is around 13 hours.
What can a 1 month old baby do?
Reflexes form an important part of a 1-month-old baby’s development. Examples of reflexes he has are grasping when his palms are touched, preparing to suckle when his cheek is touched by turning his face to that side and opening his mouth, and stepping on a flat surface when held by his armpits. Many of these are coded moves for survival. Some of these reflexes disappear in the future.
Why does a 1 month old baby cry?
Crying is a behavior that is expected in infant care and is considered normal in infants’ behavioral processes. Although all their needs are met, it can be accepted that the crying baby’s need is the crying itself. It can be thought that babies need to cry to comfort themselves in this complex world they come to for the first time, just as every person needs to cry some days to maintain their self-balance and relax. In the first weeks, their crying increases and it is seen that they cry for about 2 to 3 hours a day. This period will decrease in the future. They cry the most in the evening and before feeding. Many stop crying when shown affection, cuddled, held, and spoken to. There are different crying sounds for babies’ different feelings and needs. While crying loudly and intensely shows that he is angry; If he cries suddenly, he is in pain and whining and groaning indicates that he is hungry or worried. Some newborn babies cry for 3 hours or more around week 2 and nothing helps them stop crying. This is called colic. Towards the evening, the most intense crying is experienced. It has not yet been determined what causes colic and why it stops without the need for intervention. Although this is a difficult situation for parents to cope with, it is seen that the colic ends randomly at 3 and 4 months.
1 month old baby’s emotional, mental and social development
From the first weeks, babies begin to learn by trying. They begin to make connections between events, learn how to react in what situation and how others react to events. They understand which behaviors are reinforced (reward and punishment). In the communication between mother and baby, the mother’s voice is reinforcing for the child. Babies shape their behavior with their mother’s voice and make connections between events.
The temperaments of babies differ from each other from the first day. Their daily modes, how they react to what events, and their preferred social interactions differ from each other. Some babies are easy, some are difficult, and some are babies who get used to it slowly. Creating sleep and feeding patterns for difficult babies is challenging. Babies with this temperament react negatively to new situations, cry a lot and get very angry. Babies who get used to it slowly, on the other hand, get used to new situations and people after a while and start to react positively, although they may not react negatively to them. Easy babies, on the other hand, adapt easily to new situations and generally seem happy. Establishing daily sleep and meal routines is easier than others.
What emotions babies feel can be understood from their facial and body expressions. Newborn babies have a half smile expression for no reason. In the following weeks, this expression becomes a full smile. When they see familiar faces, they respond with a smile. They take on a disgusted facial expression when they perceive the attack and an anxious expression when they feel pain. When they see moving things, their facial expressions appear to be interested in them.
Does a 1 month old baby know his parents?
Newborn babies have all the capacity needed to receive the world’s information. They begin to learn what the information they receive means in the first months. They have senses such as hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch. The difference between his own mother’s milk and another mother’s milk is explained by his developed sense of smell and taste. They taste bitter, sour, salty, sweet, and umami (the additional fifth sense of taste found in meat, fish, and broad beans). They can distinguish their mother’s scent from other females. The fact that their sense of touch is developed can be understood from their enjoyment of being hugged and kissed. Babies who start to respond to sounds while still in the womb have developed hearing abilities. In particular, they can easily distinguish their mother’s voice from the voice of others. They can recognize their father’s voice and distinguish it from other male voices. Even if their eyesight is not as good as a healthy individual, they have it. They can see at a distance of 8 to 10 cm. They can make eye contact with individuals at this distance. They see farther away as blurry. They can distinguish their mother’s and father’s face from the face of others. Although they are advanced in all these, their motor abilities are quite limited. Motor abilities begin to form in the first weeks. Babies in this period can extend and pull their chin, move their fingers and kick. Although these movements are not done voluntarily or regularly, they do not occur randomly. For example, kicking movements are seen before the infancy period.
How much does a 1 month old baby suckle?
Nutrition is a serious part of baby care. A 1-month-old baby is fed approximately 10 times a day at intervals of approximately 2 hours. They need frequent sucking at first. As time progresses, there are changes in monthly baby nutrition. They start getting more milk at a time. Therefore, they often do not need to be fed.
Can a 1 month old baby get used to the bottle?
The first preferred way of feeding in baby care is the mother’s breastfeeding her baby naturally. The mother’s breastfeeding strengthens the bond between the two. In some cases, the mother may not be able to breastfeed her baby for many reasons. Therefore, a bottle can be used for some babies. The bottle should be introduced to the baby 1 month after birth at the earliest. Babies who are 1 month old can get used to the bottle and can be fed in this way.
Hepatitis vaccine in 1 month old babies
The physical health of babies is an important issue that should not be neglected. Giving the necessary care during these periods ensures that the baby will lead a healthy life in the following years. Babies need to be vaccinated some times after they are born. Newborn babies can be vaccinated against hepatitis B.
In addition, it will be useful to discuss with your baby’s doctor how your baby’s physical health, monthly nutrition, vaccinations and immunity should be.
"The content of the page is for informational purposes only. Consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment."