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Legman Recipe

It is one of the most popular dishes of Uyghur cuisine. That delicious pasta-like dough underneath, with vegetables and meat cooked in the broth on it, is one of the recipes that will satisfy you on its own. It is a favorite and owned recipe in Kazakhstan cuisine. Normally, it is made with different herbs in the dough, but since it will be very difficult to find these herbs, we wanted to bring you together in the simplest form. Here is the “Lağman (Legman)” recipe, one of the most famous dishes of Uyghur cuisine.

The dough at the bottom of the recipe has a very hard consistency. For this reason, we say that you should definitely use olive oil during the shaping phase. Stretch your dough as far as you can on the counter. Let them be a thick spaghetti pasta. While preparing the meat part, make sure to roast the hard vegetables well beforehand. You can change the spices according to your taste.

Legman Recipe

For the dough:
• 4 glasses of flour
• 1 egg
• 1 coffee cup of oil
To use when opening:
• ½ bowl of olive oil

For the meat part:
• 3-4 radishes
• 2 large onions
• 1 large potato
• 2 grated tomatoes
• 400 grams of beef cubed meat
• 3 cloves of grated garlic
• 2 tablespoons of pepper paste
• 2 tablespoons of tomato paste
• 1 teaspoon of black pepper
• 1 teaspoon ground red pepper
• 1 teaspoon of cumin
• 1 tablespoon of butter
• 3-4 tablespoons of oil

For the dough:
• Knead all the necessary ingredients in a bowl. Get a hard dough.
• Let this hard dough you prepared rest at room temperature for 15-20 minutes by laying a damp cloth on it.
• Take walnut-sized balls from the rested dough. With the help of olive oil, form long thick spaghetti pasta by rolling it with your hands on the counter.
• Arrange the dough you prepared in a tray. Put water in a saucepan and boil it.
• Throw the dough you prepared into the boiling water and cook it until it softens slightly. Remove from the pot with the help of a colander and transfer to a perforated strainer. Soak in cold water and let it rest in a corner.
The construction of food:
• Boil the cubed meat in a pot with 3.5 – 4 glasses of water for 25 minutes.
• Take the butter and olive oil in a separate pot. Then add the onions and fry lightly.
• Add cubed radishes on it. Add the potatoes and fry well for 5 minutes.
• Add the garlic and tomatoes.
• On the other side, transfer the boiled meat to the pot filled with vegetables, together with its water. Add the spices and mix well, then let the vegetables, meat and broth cook together on medium heat.
• Take it off the stove when the food absorbs the water slightly and the meat is tender.
• Put the dough under the serving plate. Pour the meat mixture on top and serve.

