How to Shine a Burned Teapot
It’s Now Easy to Renew Burnt Teapots

How to clean a burnt teapot? We all love to drink tea. However, sometimes unwanted accidents can occur in the kitchen. The teapot you forgot on the stove can run out of water and cause the teapot to burn and darken. So how to clean a burnt teapot in such a situation? We explain what needs to be done step by step.
How to Clean The Burned Teapot?
Before you start cleaning the burnt teapot, you must allow it to cool completely. Holding the hot teapot under cold water will damage it.
If you use a steel teapot, these teapots are durable and not easily damaged. Teapots made of other types such as aluminum teapots or enameled teapots wear easily. For this reason, it is useful to know what material it is made of before cleaning.
It is recommended that you choose natural products when cleaning a burnt teapot. It is okay to use chemical products while cleaning the outer surface, but you should clean the inside with natural cleaning products.
How to Clean The Burned Teapot ?
Here are the requirements to clean the inside of the burnt teapot:
Fill half a liter of water into the teapot.
Add a teaspoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of salt to the water.
Finally, add half a glass of vinegar and boil the source.
After the mixture boils, rub the inside of the teapot with a soft sponge or cotton cloth.
After the procedures, rinse the inside of your teapot with plenty of water.
How to Clean the Outside of the Burnt Teapot?

Here’s what is needed to clean the exterior of the burnt teapot :
Mix 1 teaspoon of salt into a glass of vinegar and make sure it dissolves completely.
Afterwards, wipe the outside of the teapot with foreign currency.
How to Shine a Teapot?
The shine of steel teapots will fade after a while. So what to do to restore it?
How is the teapot polished?
You can shine steel teapots with apple peel. All you have to do is put the apple peels in the pot and boil them with a little water. You can then use the mixture with a sponge to polish the entire teapot.
You can also polish your teapot by rubbing it with lemon peel.