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How to Marinate Red Meat?

How to Marinate Red Meat?

What is Marinating

Marinating is a method prepared with more acidic materials, in order to improve the taste of the meat for a certain period of time and to bring the meat to its consistency. Spices and special oils also come into play during the marination process, in which vinegar or lemon juice plays the leading role.

In fact, it is not that difficult to marinate meat at home. You just have to believe and prepare the ingredients.

Although any meat may sound like it can be marinated, it really isn’t.

Meats that you can marinate: Pancheta, tenderloin, steak, neck, marbled steak meats. These meats will be legendary with marination.

Meats you don’t need to marinate: Boneless ribs, sirloin steak, T-bone, NY strips, filet mignon. These are meats that are tasty enough on their own. It does not need marination.

How to Marinate Red Meat?

How to marinate red meat?

If you want to marinate red meat, you should first choose meat that will be flat. Thick, palpable, but smooth-cut meat, which we also call marble, can also be your preference.

After this point, you can start the marinating process.

Cut the meat you buy for marinating to an inch and a half thickness: This is because your marinade can spread all over the meat. The acid needs to penetrate the meat and relax the muscle structure. If you use a thick meat, the outside of the meat will not penetrate into the marinade.

Prepare your marinade: Obtain the ingredients according to the marinade you will prepare and mix them in order. Almost all marinades contain an acidic element. This element is either vinegar, lemon or wine. However, there is a very important point that you should pay attention to here. Not using too highly acidic elements for your marinade. You may cause the meat to deteriorate.

We will describe the basic sauces for marinating in a moment.

Place the meat in the marinade: Take the prepared meat in a bag or container. Pour the marinade sauce over it. Make sure the sauce is all over the meat. If you don’t have much time for marinating, you can massage the meat gently so that it eats the marination sauce.

Put the meat in the marinade in the refrigerator: Depending on the marinade you use, the marination process of the meat will be between 2 hours and 24 hours. Stick to these deadlines.

Enjoy the marinating meat: Your meat mixes well with the marinade in the refrigerator. It’s time to take out the meat. When removing the meat from the package or bag, allow the marinade to drain and even shake it gently once or twice. Then wait for the meat to come to room temperature. If you’re going to use a different recipe and need to cook right away, stick to the recipe.

How to Marinate Red Meat?

What are the best known marinades?

There are two most well-known marination sauces that you can easily prepare in your kitchen. These sauces help the meat to be like Turkish delight. But get ready, we will also have an article where we will only prepare marinades.

Black pepper and salt marinade: It’s up to you to prepare a super marinade with a few ingredients at home. It contributes to the home economy, it makes your meat delicious.

The necessary ingredients are as follows: 1.5 tablespoons of rock salt, a quarter tablespoon of garlic, 50 ml. water, 50 ml. olive oil, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of freshly ground black pepper. Mix them all and marinate your meat with pleasure. Approximately 4-8 hours of marinating time is sufficient.

Balsamic vinegar marinade: Preparing this sauce can be tricky in terms of putting the ingredients together, but it is super easy to prepare. It also gives the meat a very characteristic flavor. About 2 hours of marinating time is sufficient.

The necessary ingredients are as follows: 2 medium onions cut into small pieces, 1 tablespoon of dried thyme, a quarter glass of soy sauce, 3 tablespoons of brown sugar, 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and 80 ml. olive oil. Mix it all together and let your meat marinate. About 2 hours of marination is sufficient.

Your meat is ready. Now let’s come to the most important information about marination.

How to Marinate Red Meat?

What should be done and what should not be done in marination?

Do not use your marinade anywhere else: You may run the risk of poisoning due to bacteria transferring from the meat to the marinade.

Never beat the meat: because the meat you buy will be good when it can stay whole and stay in its own form.

Do not serve the meat immediately: We know that you can’t wait for your meat to be ready, but we recommend that you wait 5 minutes and serve the meat as it is. This is because the meat tends to release its own juices immediately. If you want to prevent that bad image that will take place on your plate, keep the meat a little bit and serve it like that.

Do not freeze the marinated meat: So do not let it freeze, marinate the meat in the refrigerator. Thus, you can cook the meat that has gone through the marination process without diluting it. Otherwise, the ice remaining on the meat may spoil the taste of the meat.

Use closable bags for marinating: Bags with clips allow you to move more easily while marinating. If you wish, you can massage the meat, or if you wish, you can turn the meat inside with very light movements.

Take the air out of the marination bag: Again, a precaution we take against bacteria. As you know, bacteria that come into contact with air will reproduce more quickly.

