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How To Do Manicure At Home?

The secret of healthy and well-groomed nails is in this article!

Manicure is a kind of care and cleaning process that is generally applied for fingernails. Over time, dead cells and flesh form on the fingernails. Nails begin to crack and weaken. In order to prevent this situation, it is necessary to apply the necessary care to the nails.

The name given to moistening, filing and cutting processes is known as manicure. Not only women have to apply manicure. Men who care about hand care have also been getting manicures in recent years. Also, you don’t need to go to any beauty salon to apply a manicure; because we explain here the manicure steps that you can try very easily.

Everyone who reads these lines will have more well-groomed and healthy nails. It’s time to prepare the materials for eye-catching nails. Today is manicure day!

How To Do Manicure At Home?

How to Manicure? Here are 6 Golden Steps to Well-Groomed Nails!

1) Prepare the Ingredients

By taking a few minutes at home, you can try the manicure process and have healthier nails.
What you need to do for this is to provide a manicure set.
This set with manicure tools such as nail clippers, cuticle scissors, double-sided nail file will make your job even easier.
If you are going to do a manicure for someone else, you should use manicure gloves for more hygienic conditions.
Since there will be cell renewal in the nails, there is also the risk of infection. Working clean and hygienic would be a good step for both parties. If the materials are ready, you can proceed to the second step.

How To Do Manicure At Home?

2) Clean the Nail Polish

The first step of the manicure process is to clean the nails superficially.
If there is nail polish, it is removed with the help of acetone.
Hands are washed and kept in lukewarm water for a few minutes. This process will soften the meat on the nails and make it easier to clean.
You can make the nails stronger by adding a few drops of lemon to the warm water in which you will soak the nails.
Vitamin C in lemon will protect the nail structure.

How To Do Manicure At Home?

3) Trim Your Nail If Needed

If your nails are very long, a little trimming may be a good choice.
You can cut nails to grow and strengthen nails in a healthier way. This process will make the manicure application more efficient.
Having dry hands while cutting nails can make your job easier. For this reason, we recommend cleaning your hands after each step.

How To Do Manicure At Home?

4) Time to File

According to your nail shape, you can file your nails and continue to apply.
You can remove the roughness that occurs after nail cutting with a file.
A double-sided sponge file will also be included in the manicure set you have purchased. With this sponge file, you will make the nail surface brighter.
Do not forget the rule of filing in the same direction during filing. If you file in different directions, your nails may grow out of shape.
People with yellowing nails can get rid of this yellow color with a sponge file. The sponge file will clean the dead cells in the nail.

How To Do Manicure At Home?

5) Get Rid of Meat

Since the nails are constantly fed, meat occurs at the bottom.
It is very easy to clean the cuticles with manicure clippers.
You can make light touches while using the manicure clip included in the set.
Moistened nails will be easily cleaned.

How To Do Manicure At Home?

6) Moisturize with the Final Touch

Nails were moistened, trimmed, fleshed out and filed. Do you think the manicure job is done? No.
After finishing the manicure stages, it is good to wash your hands with warm and soapy water. You can clean the waste generated during the process by washing your hands.
You can support the vitamins that nails need with a good moisturizer.
You can also use the moisturizing cream that you will use during the day after the manicure. It makes your nails look brighter and healthier.

How To Do Manicure At Home?

If you like nail polish, you can apply shine or any nail polish you want after the manicure process, and you can see more well-groomed nails.
If you try the manicure application regularly, you can reduce the flesh on the nails.

