How to Clean Pomegranate Stain
Pomegranate, which is an antioxidant fruit, becomes a delicious food when it is separated into its seeds. Although peeling a pomegranate may seem quite laborious, it is delicious and beneficial enough to be worth the effort you put into peeling it. Those who peel pomegranates are advised to be very careful. Because pomegranate juice splashing from pomegranate seeds can leave a stain where it is.
Pomegranate juice, which drips on the sofa while eating fruit on the sofa, creates a tiny stain on your favorite clothes and bothers you in many places you do not want, will no longer be a problem and you will get rid of this stain by using the materials at home. The information on this page will be very useful for you to see products such as sofas, carpets and fabrics more cleanly!

In this article, which we have prepared for those who want to remove the pomegranate stain, we recommend stain cleaning methods consisting of very easy steps. If you often have the question of how to get rid of pomegranate stains while peeling a pomegranate; You can now remove this question mark. Because the questions of how to get rid of pomegranate stain and how to remove pomegranate stain from the carpet, which many people wonder, are answered on this page. Now let’s examine the methods of removing pomegranate stains from surfaces!
1) Mineral Water
Whenever you think about how to remove the pomegranate juice stain on your hands or face, try to find mineral water immediately. Because mineral water will instantly clean the pomegranate stain.
To clean the pomegranate juice, first run your hand in cold water.
Pour mineral water on your washed hand and rub your hands with the help of a sponge.
Thanks to the mineral water, there will be no pomegranate stains on your hands or arms.
When choosing mineral water, show it to be plain. You should not waste your time as the flavored mineral water will not have the effect of removing the pomegranate stain.
After cleaning the pomegranate stain on your hands with mineral water, do not forget to apply moisturizer to your hands.
2) Dishwashing Liquid
We will recommend dishwashing detergent as an answer to the question of how to clean dried pomegranate stains.
If you have noticed a dried pomegranate stain on your clothes, first soak the stained area in warm water.
In lukewarm water, softening will occur in the stained area.
After the stain softens, pour the dish soap on the stain and wash the fabric in the machine at 30 degrees.
If the fabric is a very delicate fabric such as silk or sile cloth, choose to wash it in a gentle wash.
You can also clean the pomegranate stain on the sofa by using dish soap. Soften the stain on the sofa with a warm and damp cloth. Then rub the dish soap on the seat with a warm and damp cloth.
3) Lemon Cologne
Lemon cologne is used to clean pomegranate stains from surfaces.
You can choose products such as kitchen countertops and chopping boards to make them clean.
First, wipe the stained area with a damp cloth. Then pour the lemon cologne on the stain and start cleaning with a sponge.
With the effect of the cologne, the pomegranate stain will be cleaned in seconds.
If you have a pomegranate stain on your hands or anywhere on your body, you can clean with lemon cologne to get rid of the stain.
4) White Vinegar
White vinegar will remove juice stains as well as pomegranate juice stains.
If there is a pomegranate stain on a fabric, mix white vinegar with the same amount of water and spray the surface.
Then rub the stain with the sponge.
If the pomegranate stain has formed on the surfaces, you can mix white vinegar and water and clean the surfaces with the help of a microfiber cloth. Thus, the kitchen walls and countertops will look cleaner.
To get rid of pomegranate stains easily by using white vinegar, do not forget to mix 1 cup of water with 1 cup of white vinegar and apply it to the surface.