Never apply health-related recommendations without consulting your doctor.

How Many Calories in Banana

Bananas are among the sweetest fruits and therefore the highest in calories. A medium banana weighs about 120g and provides about a hundred calories, with an average caloric value of 90 calories per 100g.

Bananas are very nutrient-dense fruits, which means they provide a lot of nutrients in a low volume. Dried bananas are richer in nutrients than fruit bananas, but they are also higher in calories. Banana fits perfectly into a slimming diet because it is rich in fiber, minerals and resistant starch. Therefore, it is very filling.

How Many Calories in Banana?

How many calories can an average banana have? If you are wondering how many calories in a banana, here are the calorie values ​​of bananas according to their size and weight:

Very small bananas (less than 15 cm, 81 g): 72 calories

Small bananas (15-17.5 cm, 101 g): 90 calories

Medium bananas (17.5-20 cm, 118 g): 105 calories

Large bananas (20-22.5 cm, 136 g): 121 calories

Very large bananas (longer than 22.5 cm, 152 g): 135 calories

1 cup, 150 g sliced ​​banana: 134 calories

1 cup, 225 g mashed banana: 200 calories

Effect of Banana on Our Health

Banana is a fruit that contains high levels of energy, as well as very high amounts of fiber, potassium and vitamins B6. Although the benefits of bananas to the body are quite wide, the most important benefit is that it helps the kidneys to be cleaned and work in good performance. In addition, it supports the protection of the body against cancer. It also proves that it should be included in the diet list, especially according to weight, by recovering the metabolism working order. Banana, which is beneficial to the body in terms of digestive system, ulcer and skin health, should be preferred in normal eating habits or diet program-oriented diet in the form of an average of 1 small piece per day.

How Many Calories in Banana Milk?

If you want to reduce the calorie value of banana milk, which is originally prepared with banana, sugar and whole milk, you can use only 2 medium bananas with semi-skimmed milk.
The calorie value of 1 cup of homemade milk with low-fat milk, which you can prepare without sugar, is 173 kcal.
It is a very pleasant way to use the vitamins of banana and milk together, which you can consume with pleasure in your diet snacks.
The calorie value of 200 ml can of banana milk is 134 kcal.

How Many Calories in Banana Yogurt?

Of course, fruit yogurts are a healthy option for diet snacks to suppress hunger.
Instead of consuming yogurt or banana alone, you can consume both by combining them.
An average bowl of banana yogurt calories is 119 kcal.
The probiotics in the yogurt will make your intestines work, and the banana will give you energy.
In this way, you can be very active during the day with a lively metabolism.
You can also add different ingredients to the banana yoghurt to crown its taste.

