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Easy Ways to Burn Calories

With the Corona (Covid-19) virus epidemic, many people gained weight and there is nothing more natural than wanting to get rid of these pounds. So what should we do? What should we not do?, Can you lose weight without buying special foods, joining expensive diet clubs or doing sports? Yes. By changing your lifestyle, you can lose weight safely and without spending money.

Easy Ways to Burn Calories

Here are the tactics;

1- One of the most important reasons for gaining weight is to snack between meals. Drink water when snacking.
2- Empty your refrigerator. Thus, you do not spend money and the reason that drives you to snack disappears.
3- Get enough sleep. Thus, you will collect the energy you will get by eating while you sleep.
4- Avoid alcohol, bread and carbohydrates.
5- Try not to be in dark places and to sleep an hour before in the evening. If you want to watch something in the evening. Do this in a bright, not dark environment.
6- Make sure to have breakfast. This will give you the energy you need to spend during the day and you will not be very hungry at lunch.
7- When you feel the urge to eat between meals, listen to your favorite music. Research shows that the same area of ​​your brain is stimulated when you listen to music or when you eat your favorite food.
8- Do not eat anything standing up.
9- For green tea. Studies show that drinking green tea is very effective in burning calories in the body. Try to drink 3 cups of green tea a day.
10- Concentrate on what you eat. Don’t eat while watching TV, reading or replying to your emails.
11- Go outside. Take care to sit outside or take a walk for at least 20 minutes a day. Because daylight helps you control your desire to eat.
12- Eat healthy things. When you eat out, have a kids menu or a salad without dressing.
13- Don’t push yourself too hard. While making your diet program, be careful not to go under 1200 calories.
14- Deal with gardening. Doing garden work for 1 hour allows you to burn 500 calories.
15- Take the stairs instead of using the elevator.
16- It is possible to burn calories by doing housework. Do small house chores.
17- Skip rope. This is a great exercise and more fun than any other.
18- Eat often but little.
19- If you love chocolate, have a piece (small of course) chocolate every evening.
20- Don’t get yourself into trouble, everything ends in the brain.

