Delayed Language or Speech Delay in Children

Parents should observe their child impartially in order to follow their child’s language development. As in all developmental periods, it is important that critical periods in language development are not overcome negatively as much as possible.
The article was written with the thought that it would be easier for parents to apply to specialists if the periodic features of speech retardation, developmental language or delayed language speech are known.
Parents can decide if there is a language problem with the instructions they give to their children or if they know the age range language speaking skills.
1-2 Age Group Characteristics
Children in this age group can understand well what is said to them and express what they want with words and gestures.
Although there are developmental differences in children, children who turn one year old usually start to say words. He can repeat what he hears. However, when they start talking, they will be able to point to something, say its name, and recognize the names of familiar people, objects, and body parts.
By the age of 2, the child will be able to say 50 or more words, use phrases, and put together two-word sentences.
Receptive language skills develop in children before expressive language. Therefore, whenever they say their first word, it should be known that they understand most of what is said before that.
In this age range, your child should be able to respond to simple commands. (Give the ball to me, pick up the ball on the ground, open the door, etc. simple commands). Signal communication or simple imitation skills are required.
“Where is my nose?”, “Show me the toy” and “Where is my mother?” as
However, you need to use correct pronunciations in your answers in order to avoid possible wrong sounds and pronunciations. Otherwise, you may face articulation disorders.
If we look at the turning points in the 1 age group;
• Should be able to say a few words at 15–18 months
• Must be able to point to familiar people, objects and parts of the body by 18 months
• Must have reached 50 or more words by age 2
• Must have achieved the ability to put two words together to form a sentence by age 2
• By the age of 2, he should follow two-stage commands.
Apart from these, I recommend that you consult a doctor, especially if your child does not speak or if you have doubts about hearing.
Some parents worry that a baby who doesn’t speak may have autism. Children with autism and related disorders may have delayed speech or other problems with communication, but poor social interactions and limited or restricted interests or behavior patterns are also hallmarks of the disorder.
2 – 3 Age Group Features
Normally developing children in the 2 to 3 age group show rapid development in language skills.
Most 2-year-olds can follow directions. Can say 50 or more words. Many combine words in short phrases and sentences. Children this age are usually able to follow two-step instructions such as “take the ball and put it in the basket”.
By age 3, a child’s vocabulary is usually 200 or more words. many children can put together sentences of three or four words.
Children at this stage of language development can understand more and speak more clearly. By now, you should be able to understand most of what your child is saying.
They can usually enter a simple question-and-answer session. They can also count three objects correctly, use reasoning skills, and grasp simple cause and effect relationships. They can learn their first and last names.
2 age group
• can speak in two-word phrases such as “more juice” and “goodbye”
• Can follow two-step commands
• Can name simple objects
• Must have a vocabulary of 50 or more words
• Between 2 and 3 years, continuing to build vocabulary
At age 2, especially if a child does not follow directions, does not answer simple questions, or does not speak enough words, you should consult a doctor or specialist for a language-speech assessment.
3 age group
• Must be able to speak in three-word sentences
• Must have a vocabulary of 200 or more words
• 75% of the words should be understandable
• Must use pronouns (“I”, “you”, “he”)
2-3 Age Group Language Problems;
• Hearing or perceptual problems
• Trouble following directions
• Incomplete vocabulary development
• Unclear speech status
• Problems such as stuttering can be seen.
4-5 Age Group Features

Between the ages of 4 and 5, children fall into the preschool group. Language and speaking skills must have become an important part of learning in the classroom.
• The more interactive conversations and games children play, the more they learn.
• Opportunities should be provided to read, sing, play word games and simply talk to children, which will increase their vocabulary and improve their listening skills.
• As children gain language skills, they also develop their speaking skills.
• Children aged 4-5 can follow more complex directions and speak clearly about what they are doing.
• They can make up stories, listen carefully to stories, and retell stories.
• At this age, children can often understand that letters and numbers are symbols of real things and ideas and can be used to tell stories and present information.
• Most children can come to a level where they can know the names and genders of family members.
• Sentence structures can now contain five or more words, and their vocabulary ranges from 1,000 to 2,000 words.
• Speech at this age should be completely intelligible, but there may be some developmental sound errors and stuttering, especially in boys.
4-5 Age Group Language Problems
• Hearing and perceptual problems
• Trouble following directions
• Problem asking or answering questions
• Difficulty maintaining a conversation
• Trouble learning preschool concepts such as colors and counting
• Stuttering problem
• Difficulty putting sentences together
• Problems such as unclear speech may occur.
Only this age range has been considered, as the age range of 1 to 5 years is critical for language speaking in children. If the parents have not intervened in speaking the language over the age of 5, it may be too late for education.