Never apply health-related recommendations without consulting your doctor.

3 Month Baby Developmental Features

3 Months Baby Development

The baby, whose muscles continue to strengthen in the 3rd month, gains a little body control.

3 Month Baby Developmental Features

3 Months Old Baby’s Physical Development

When the arm is picked up and lifted under the arms, it can stand upright for a longer and more controlled time compared to the previous months, it can control its head and keep it upright, but it is still necessary to support the head. At 3 months, his own hands begin to attract the attention of the baby and he moves his hands more often, he enjoys watching his hands move.

3 Months Baby Movements

This month, the baby can lift his head with support from his elbows and arms and hold it for a while. The baby’s head and back stand more upright than in previous months. The baby, whose legs are constantly moving, can pull his feet towards his stomach while lying on his back. It can come to a sitting position when it is held and pulled while lying on its back, but it is not healthy to sit the baby for a long time yet. When it is held under the arms and its feet are placed on a hard surface, it presses strongly and moves its legs as if taking a step.

3-Month Baby Emotional Development

This month, the baby prefers to be around people and cries when left alone. He feels restless this month, as he did in the previous months, from sudden and loud noises, noises and shouts around him. When the baby cries, when he is restless, taking care of him and calming him, hugging and kissing him is very important for the development of confidence and for him to learn to calm himself.

3 Months Old Baby’s Intelligence Development

It is very important for the baby’s mental development and language development to tell the baby the name of these objects and explain what they do. Although this month is a very early month for the baby to speak and understand everything that is said, the foundations of language development are laid. Allowing the child to touch the surrounding objects, introducing their smells and sounds to him, allowing him to recognize the appropriate objects by putting them in his mouth, stimulates all the emotions of the child and strengthens learning. This month, the baby begins to recognize objects such as bottles and pacifiers that are frequently used in daily life. When he sees them, his excitement and movement and the start of the sucking reflex are indicators of recognizing these objects. At 3 months, the baby begins to explore his body. He watches as he moves his hands and feet, puts his hands and fingers in his mouth and sucks.

3 Months Baby Eye Development

The baby, who can see objects 15-20 cm away, starts to follow these objects in the 3rd month. He can move his eyes from one object to another without turning his head, and can start making eye contact with the person who is dealing with him. Baby’s eyes are very sensitive to light this month. It is especially important to reduce the light ratio of the sleeping environment.

3-Month Baby Nutrition and Transition to Additional Food

The 3rd month is a very early period to switch to additional food. The baby does not need any food other than breast milk or formula for the first 6 months. In other words, the 3rd month baby feeding is the same as in the previous months, so it is necessary to continue with breast milk or formula.

This month, the baby’s sleep and feeding cycle seems to be in order. It wakes up and feeds at certain times, then goes to sleep.

Feeding Frequency of 3-month-old Baby

Although the frequency of breastfeeding varies according to each baby, it is sufficient to breastfeed every 3 hours in the 3rd month. In cases where it is thought that breast milk is not enough, the feeding of the baby should be regulated in consultation with the doctor.

Feeding Chart of 3 Month Old Baby

This month, the baby should continue with breast milk or formula. The baby determines the feeding pattern himself. It is necessary to feed the baby every time he wakes up from sleep and cries when he is hungry. In this way, the baby should be fed 5-6 times a day on average.

Night Feeding of 3 Month Old Baby

In the 3rd month, the baby needs feeding at night, but understanding whether the baby is really hungry and feeding accordingly becomes important this month. If the baby wakes up at about the same time and sucks with appetite, it is a sign that he is awake because he is hungry, but if he wakes up at irregular intervals and does not suck much, it can be thought that the baby uses the breast or bottle as a relaxation tool and sucks out of habit. This month, the baby needs to be fed as in the morning and whenever he wants to.

How Should 3 Months Baby Sleep Pattern Be?

The baby spends most of the day sleeping this month, as in previous months. The baby’s daily sleep requirement is about 14 hours. As night sleeps begin to lengthen, the amount of time the baby stays awake during the day also begins to increase. The time that a 3-month-old baby spends awake can take 1 and a half to 2 hours. It is necessary to make sure that the sleep pattern, which has a very important place for the baby’s development, is created in line with the baby’s needs and to observe the baby well.

Sleep Training for 3 Month Old Babies

The 3rd month is quite early to start sleep training. There is no need to give sleep training to the baby who has not developed day-night perception and needs long-term daytime sleep and night feeding. It is necessary to wait another month or two to start the baby’s sleep training.

3-Month Baby Vaccination Schedule

There is no vaccination required in the 3rd month of the baby who had hepatitis B, mixed, tuberculosis and pneumococcal vaccines in the previous months.

3 Month Old Baby Diseases

Infant health is still an issue that needs careful attention.3. Although there are no diseases that need special attention for the month, parents should be cautious about the possibility of child diseases, colds and infections, as every month. A 3-month-old baby’s weight gain, lengthening and head circumference give important information about his health. This month, the average weight of the baby boy is 6 kilograms, his height is 60 centimeters, and his head circumference is 40.5 centimeters; The average weight of the baby girl is 5.5 kilograms, her height is 59 centimeters and her head circumference is 39.5 centimeters.

3 Months Baby Activities

This month, the baby starts to move, tying cloths that make noise to the feet and wrists of the baby, whose feet and arms are quite mobile while lying down, increase the baby’s movements and stimulate the hearing sense. It’s also a good idea to tie toys to the sides of the crib to encourage baby to move around, using his or her body to reach out and catch toys. Gymnastics for the baby is also among the baby activities that are ideal to support physical development this month.

How Should 3 Month Old Baby Toys Be?

In the 3rd month, the play mat, stuffed animals and toys that make sounds are still among the useful toys for the baby. Rattles, balls and cloth books can also be added to these toys this month.

3 Month Old Baby Brain Teasers

Talking to the baby is one of the most important activities for the development of intelligence, as it is every month. Holding the baby face to face in a semi-sitting position, approaching him, making eye contact and smiling, speaking, singing songs and playing games with different gestures and sounds, and imitating the sounds the baby makes during this play are useful activities that can be done at the 3rd month. This game supports baby’s language development. Showing the baby objects of different colors and sizes from the distance they can see and allowing them to touch them, introducing these objects to the baby is an activity that develops the mental skills of the baby. Baby activities and games like these contribute to the baby’s intelligence development.

